
JAK-Metalli’s personnel grows – Tiina Salin appointed JAK-Metalli Oy’s new Administrative Manager

Tiina Salin has a long line of experience in financial administration

Yrityksemme henkilöstömäärä on kasvanut tasaisesti etenkin tuotannon puolella ja nyt tiimiimme on saatu uusi pelaaja myös hallinnolliselle puolelle. Uudeksi hallintojohtajaksi nimitetty Tiina Salin omaa pitkän linjan kokemusta taloushallinnon työtehtävistä ja ymmärtää myös tuotantotalouden teknisempiä piirteitä.

Tiina tuo laajan kokemuksensa yritystoiminnan eri osa-alueista monipuolisesti JAK-Metalli Oy:n käyttöön. Yrityksemme palveluksessa hän vastaa sisäisten tehtävien lisäksi esimerkiksi myynti- ja toimitusketjun sujuvuudesta. Tiina tulee jatkossa ottamaan myös näkyvämpää roolia suoraan asiakasrajapinnassa ja kansainvälisten suhteiden hoitamisessa.

“I have been really well received here at JAK-Metalli. It has been easy to settle in here, the conversation is open, and people are spontaneous. It is interesting to be involved in a company on its way to international growth, and bring my own expertise to the palette. ” – says Tiina after her first months at JAK.

The establishment of a new administrative position is important for our company and Tiina has already convinced us with her ability and motivated attitude. One of the reasons why Tiina was selected for this job was also related to her genuine interest in our company’s operations.

We congratulate Tiina on her new appointment and hope that our cooperation will be rewarding and long-lasting on both sides!

Through the reforms, we guarantee sufficient service resources

There has been a great need for re-arranging and clarifying JAK-Metalli´s administration, as the variety of work tasks and processes in our company have increased. This is result of significant growth in demand for our products in relatively short period of time. We have entered completely new market areas and created innovative forms of cooperation with various stakeholders. Directing these steps forward and developing existing practices is more feasible now with broader shoulders.

As we hold dear the good relations with our international resellers and want to continue to provide them with the best possible service, the added value that the new Administrative Manager will bring to our daily operations is very important. In this way, we will be able to guarantee sufficient service resources in the future and at the same time keep developing our business towards the next levels.

By keeping certain main principles in mind and doing our work in accordance with our values, we also directly influence the operations of our cooperation network and the perceptions of what our company wants to communicate to the world.

Added value that the new Administrative Manager will bring to our daily operations is very important

All eyes on the international markets

Internationalization is one key factor in the increase in demand that we have faced. In addition to domestic market, JAK-products have already gained a strong foothold abroad. Our focus is aimed increasingly at the international market, and the goal is to steer an even larger share of our production for direct export.

Although international competition is fierce, we have noticed how the growth in demand linearly follows the appreciation of our products gained as JAK-brand is becoming more established. End-users value high quality, and for this reason we are working determinedly to make our brand more and more widely known as one of the top names in the industry, at home and especially internationally.

We are actively looking for new potential partnerships and our eyes are open for any other interesting opportunities as well. The future looks bright as we like to state it.